The Picadilly Police Station

The Piccadilly Police Station Hare Street, Piccadilly

The North Kalgoorlie Police Station, known as the Piccadilly Police Station, Hare Street, Piccadilly. Photo House owner.

This photograph shows  Constable Jeremiah John JONES and his wife Evelyn Mortimer nee HOLLOWAY and their infant daughter Eveleyn Margaret Jones, born 1903 in Kalgoorlie (their only child). Jeremiah was born in May 1873 at Wangaratta, Victoria to Owen Jones and Ann Kennedy. He died in Merredin WA in 1932 and is buried there with Evelyn who died in 1917.

Evelyn Mortimer Jones nee Holloway - Photo

Evelyn Mortimer Jones nee Holloway -Evelyn was actually born at Glenrowan in 1878 – Photo

The WA Post Office Directory for 1905 shows the the resident officer in charge was Constable J J Jones (674). The building survives today intact but with a sympathetic extension which blends seamlessly with the older parts. Very few changes have been made internally over the years and the two cells with their peepholes and thick doors and bars above and are now used as storage rooms. Even the two garden beds as seen in the old photos still exist. The building is located over the road from the old Fire Station building in Hare Street, Lamington which although of similar brick, was built much later in 1936, on the site of the previous fire station building.

40 Hare Street, Lamington 2018

40 Hare Street, Lamington 2018 – Photo Home owner

The first North Kalgoorlie Police Station was a rented private house located on the corner of Bourke and Peers Sts, Lamington. This was a four roomed building which has now been replaced by a modern house. The lot was located at the rear of the now petrol station in Bourke Street. It was opened on the 4th October 1902. This building proved unsuitable and the police station was moved to 13 Melba Street, Lamington on the 28th Oct 1902. On the 29th July 1904 Constable Jones moved into the new police station located in Hare Street (above). The Station would remain at that address until its closure on the 25 Jul 1924 when it was sold as a private house.

13 Melba Street, Lamington - Birdsville - Photo M Sharp

13 Melba Street, Lamington – Birdsville – Photo M Sharp

One of the police houses, 13 melba Street, Lamington:

As an aside story: When Jeremiah John JONES was a child his mother, Ann Jones nee Kennedy, was running the famous Glenrowan Hotel where Ned Kelly had his last stand in 1880. He was actually in the hotel building when the siege took place aged 5yrs, so Jeremiah is a link to this well know event in Australia history. If you want to read about Anne Jones you can here.  The story of Ann Jones, Ned Kelly and the Glenrowan Inn

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My name is Moya Sharp, I live in Kalgoorlie Western Australia and have worked most of my adult life in the history/museum industry. I have been passionate about history for as long as I can remember and in particular the history of my adopted home the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia. Through my website I am committed to providing as many records and photographs free to any one who is interested in the family and local history of the region.

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