Mr Mr Cecil Brown – Goldfields Profile

The Mirror, Perth WA  15 August 1931, page 16



I’ve plenty of buyer for homes, but few homes for sale. I’ve a big demand for houses and flats, but scarcely any to let. The most solvent centre of the Commonwealth today. Values of properties and rentals on the increase.

How many real estate agents in Australia to-day would like to be able to issue the above report of conditions in their particular town? -:

It seems like a dream too good to be true,

yet these statements were made to ‘The Mirror’ by Mr Cecil Brown, auctioneer and real estate agent of Kalgoorlie, upon whose word the greatest reliance may be placed.

Yet Mr. Brown stands to rather a unique position and controls a business in Kalgoorlie and Boulder City which he has built up by a rare combination of those faculties which make for enterprise and the ability to seize opportunities and make the most of them. He has built up a splendid connection on the Goldfields and has made his establishment in Hannan street a clearing house for numerous commercial and financial activities. This does not however mean that there is no scope for others to do the same. Already most of those classes of business which Mr. Brown conducts are well taken care of on the Fields, and if he has secured the lions share it is because he has worked hard for it during the ‘dog days’ and, having won the confidence of Kalgoorlie and Boulder residents, is reaping a just reward.


is how Mr. Cecil Brown’s premises may be described. Regular auction sales of land, building properties, furniture, etc, are held there, and buyers are. assured of a fair deal from the popular auctioneer. Outdoor sales are also frequently conducted. Mr. K Brown deals extensively in furniture, both new and second hand, and, as he is a keen buyer, he is able to sell at very reasonable prices.  In home sites Mr. Brown has a wide selection to offer builders, and indeed there is nothing in real estate that he does not handle. He controls about 20 flat houses, nearly all of which are fully occupied. He represents the interests of a number of investors who live elsewhere, and is continually entrusted with business matters demanding ability, responsibility and integrity, and it is said of him, that he invariably carries out any undertaking to the satisfaction of his clients. Mr Cecil Brown is regarded as a reliable valuer for he has a thorough knowledge of local conditions and his, reports may be depended upon to assay twenty shillings to the pound.

Cecil Brown Real Estate Hannan Street, Kalgoorlie

Cecil Brown Real Estate Hannan Street, Kalgoorlie

Old Cecil Brown For Sale Sign sent in by Peter Green

Old Cecil Brown For Sale Sign sent in by Peter Green

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My name is Moya Sharp, I live in Kalgoorlie Western Australia and have worked most of my adult life in the history/museum industry. I have been passionate about history for as long as I can remember and in particular the history of my adopted home the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia. Through my website I am committed to providing as many records and photographs free to any one who is interested in the family and local history of the region.

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