Where Was That? – by Geoffrey Higham

-an Historical Gazetteer of Western Australia

Where Was That? - an historical Gazetteer of Western Australia

Where Was That? – an historical Gazetteer of Western Australia

This publication may not be known to many, but I use it often, as it is invaluable when searching for places that no longer exist in current records. Either the place has ceased to be or it has had one, or even more, name changes over the years. In the WA Goldfields this often happens and some places may have had several names over the years both official and locally.

This book first came out in 2004 and then the second edition in 2006.

What is a Gazetteer? you may ask, in Geoffrey’s own words I will explain:-

My Grandfather went to Yonga school – where was that?
My ancestors lived in Toodyay in the 1900’s, what was it called then?
What happened to the Balingup Shire Council?
An old family book mentiones ‘Falkirk’ – where would I find that in street directory?

You will find the answers to these questions and may more in this publication. –  schools closed, places long forgotten, towns renamed decades ago. For anyone researching, reading old documents, or just  interested in the development of Western Australia, this book will prove invaluable.

This gazetteer lists place names of Western Australia in the following categories:-

  • Places which have been re named.
  • Places names which were in use at one time but have been supplanted by an alternative name.
  • Names of features which have been destroyed or closed such as rail stations and schools.
  • A small section of names of current features, where interesting historic information is available which is not generally accessible.
Example of map of Names Lost Great Southern Area

Example of map of Names Lost Great Southern Area

Notes on over 3600 W.A. place name entries; includes schools, railway stations and sidings, towns and physical features with latitude and longitude. A reverse index and several maps are also included.

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My name is Moya Sharp, I live in Kalgoorlie Western Australia and have worked most of my adult life in the history/museum industry. I have been passionate about history for as long as I can remember and in particular the history of my adopted home the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia. Through my website I am committed to providing as many records and photographs free to any one who is interested in the family and local history of the region.

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  1. Hi Moya .. this sounds fascinating. But how do I get it, where do I get it and how much does it cost? 😉

  2. Margaret Green says

    I have a copy of “Gone West” by Geoffrey Higham first edition printed in 2005. Would this be the first edition of “Where Was That”?

  3. Allan Harris says

    Hi Moya .

    could you let me know where i can purchase a copy , also what is the cost .


  4. Carol Mills says

    Hi Moya I would be very keen to get a copy. can you please advise where i buy a copy.
    thanks Carol Mills

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