Western Australian Lonely Graves – books

Latest Release:-  Western Australian Lonely Graves  by Yvonne and Kevin Coate

Four volume set  full details:- Hesperian Press

ISBN 978-0-85905-682-3, A4, 1284 pages,  soft cover,  3.5 kg     $325.00* + POST

These magnificent volumes are the result of nearly 40 years research by Yvonne and Kevin Coate and their associates, and contain details of thousands of lonely or lost graves throughout Western Australia.

The information is from local and state histories and newspapers, police reports, correspondents, coroner’s files, and government papers.

Books of this calibre are rare, as is the capacity for researchers to produce such volumes of useful data.

The volumes are also an important bibliography of bush history from the earliest colonial times to the near present.

There is nothing like this in any other state and probably not in any other country.

There are cross indexes by local government areas, and by map areas, as well as many appendices on medical terms, unidentified graves, and the protection and preservation of sites.

Unlike their bones, the stories of those buried in these lonely graves are not dry. Accidents with cattle, camels, horses and vehicles, drowning at sea or in a local billabong, dying of thirst, speared by natives, suicide by dog bait or gun, and of course murders, are the warp and weft of the lives that were lost in the building of the nation.

All are recounted and are a treasure trove of stories which are an immense resource for future historians, writers and film makers.

All this has been done by the authors and publishers without any handouts from the expected sources.

Of course this is expressed in the unsubsidized price and the small print run. It is expected that libraries will be the main purchasers, which will enable wide use by the public.

“Each copy sold comes with a complimentary copy of More Lonely Graves”

Published November, 2017.

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My name is Moya Sharp, I live in Kalgoorlie Western Australia and have worked most of my adult life in the history/museum industry. I have been passionate about history for as long as I can remember and in particular the history of my adopted home the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia. Through my website I am committed to providing as many records and photographs free to any one who is interested in the family and local history of the region.

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  1. Phil Bianchi says

    Wow four huge Volumes.

    Without doubt this will become the definitive go to book on WA Lonely Graves.
    Well done Yvonne and Kevin Coate.

  2. Jo Roelofs says

    More books to add to my growing collection of reference books.

  3. Bindi johns says

    Just discovered this wonderful books.

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