Then and Now – 7 Wordsworth Street

I just love a ‘Then and Now’ photo. These ones were sent to me by Ray Morris from his family album of 7 Wordsworth Street, Kalgoorlie.

7 Wordsworth was the family home for Charles Emmanuel TRELOAR & Alice TRELOAR nee WESTON (Alice being Ernest Joseph WESTON’s next eldest sister) with Edna May CASTLE nee TRELOAR being Charles & Alice’s married daughter and Elaine Fay TRELOAR being Charles & Alice’s granddaughter.

This is how it looks today:-

7 Wordsworth Street Kalgoorlie - 2018

7 Wordsworth Street Kalgoorlie – 2018

1935- L-R : Charles Emmanuel TRELOAR (Partially obscured), Joan (Joy) DAVENPORT, Alice TRELOAR nee WESTON, Edna May (Bub) CASTLE nee TRELOAR, Arthur Leslie (Les) CASTLE, Elaine Fay TRELOAR, Rachel Edith ROWLEY nee WALTON, Jessie DAVENPORT nee McCRACKEN and George Henry DAVENPORT. All the people are related and apparently they were all glammed up and off to the races.

1935 – Rachel Edith ROWLEY nee WALTON is a maternal first cousin to Alice with Jessie DAVENPORT nee McCRACKEN & George Henry DAVENPORT being the daughter and son-in-law of Elizabeth Jane McCRACKEN nee WESTON the previously deceased eldest sister of Ernest Joseph WESTON and Alice WESTON. Joy DAVENPORT is the daughter of George & Jessie DAVENPORT.

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My name is Moya Sharp, I live in Kalgoorlie Western Australia and have worked most of my adult life in the history/museum industry. I have been passionate about history for as long as I can remember and in particular the history of my adopted home the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia. Through my website I am committed to providing as many records and photographs free to any one who is interested in the family and local history of the region.

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  1. Dianne Wood (nee Baker) says

    The people in this photo in Wordsworth street are indeed all related – and they are my family?
    However I have a feeling the little girl is not Elaine Treloar (my mum) but her older sister Phyllis – I will have to check with mum (86 now?).
    In The other photo sisters Audrey Treloar & Bub (Edna) Treloar are with brother Clem (sitting on the step) his daughter Phyllis & and standing Their father Charles

    I haven’t seen the photo of the old house in its present day state!

    • Patricia Mahoney says

      Dear Dianne, Rachel Edith Walton was my great grandmother – her daughter Elsie Emma Rowley was my grandmother. I have seen this photo before from Ray and my mother also had a copy. My mother thought she was the little girl in the photo but ages do not seem to match and as there are huge likenesses in the family photos we cannot be sure. The 2 girls in the white hats at the back look like 2 of my great aunts (Rachel Edith’s girls) Irene and Lillian.

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