The Pen is Mightier !!!

The North Coolgardie Herald and the Menzies Miner:-

Offices of the North Coolgardie Herald and the Menzies Miner, Reid Street, Menzies

Offices of the North Coolgardie Herald and the Menzies Miner, Reid Street, Menzies

The ‘Menzies Miner’ is was a sixteen page weekly newspaper and circulated in every town in the North Coolgardie, Mount Margaret and the East Murchison Goldfields. In those centres which did not have the advantage of a daily mail service the ‘Menzies Miner’ was widely read. The office of the North Coolgardie Herald and the Menzies Miner is in Reid Street, Menzies (runs parallel to Shenton Street).

The ‘Herald’ is represented in every town and district by a reliable corespondent and agent and having a full capable telegraphic service it convey to the readers the news of the world, a clear day before any other paper. The ‘Herald’ is the only journal that has endeavoured to bring the Northern Fields prominently before the outside public. The value of the ‘Herald’ as an advertising medium is fully appreciated by business firms, mining companies and Government Departments and its influence on the mining industry and trade of the North Coolgardie and Mount Margaret fields is generally recognised.

The paper was founded by the three O’Connor Brother and Charles Henry Evans.

W H A OConnor of the North Coolgardie Herald 1901.jpg

Walter Holland Augustine  O’Connor of the North Coolgardie Herald 1901.jpg

George F O'Connor of the North Coolgardie Herald 1901

George F O’Connor of the North Coolgardie Herald 1901

C H Evans of the North Coolgardie Herald 1901

Charles Henry Evans of the North Coolgardie Herald 1901

Arthur O Connor Nth Cool Herald 1901

Arthur O Connor North Coolgardie Herald 1901

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My name is Moya Sharp, I live in Kalgoorlie Western Australia and have worked most of my adult life in the history/museum industry. I have been passionate about history for as long as I can remember and in particular the history of my adopted home the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia. Through my website I am committed to providing as many records and photographs free to any one who is interested in the family and local history of the region.

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    Thank you, Chris

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