How the Black Camel Came for Clyde Firebrace

Kalgoorlie Western Argus -25 December 1900, page 56 HOW THE BLACK CAMEL CAME FOR CLYDE FIREBRACE A Story of the W A Goldfields. by F. Wills Johnson. The man who told me this strange story, Bryce V Fairclough, is one of whom naught but good is spoken, and whose words are of a truth unvarnished. […]

Crimes of Passion in Kanowna

Crimes of passion are not something new, and they happened in the early Goldfields days just as they do today, but the town of Kanowna seems to have had more than its fair share in its short history. The following three stories. Sadly there are no photographs of any of the people in these dramas. […]

The Murder of Michael Naughton –

The Sun – Kalgoorlie – 22 February 1920 A MURCHISON MYSTERY UNRAVELED BY INSPECTOR MANN By the time Inspector Mann was 10 years, in the C.I.D. he was recognised as one of the ablest detectives in Australia. His only rival In WA was the late Detective Sergeant Kavanagh, but he was in charge of the […]

The Murder of the Duke of Sutherland:

John Sutherland, better known as the ‘Duke of Sutherland’, died on the 26th of February 1895 in his own camp at Nannine, in the Meekatharra district. His age was not known. He was a miner who was shot dead by an old friend, Henry Augustus Muller, who then killed himself. Both men were old identities […]

Murder or Suicide – that is the question.

While conducting extensive research into those buried who are buried in the Cue Cemeteries, John Pritchard came across this unusual story about the death of a man who was among the earliest burials in the most unusual circumstances. BURDETT Robert Ambrose — 43 yrs, d 26 Mar 1894, in Cue WA, he was born in […]