Books about:- Kambalda, Red Hill, Lake Lefroy

Its sometimes hard to know what books are available on a particular town. It is often the case, that the name of the place is not in the title. This is the first in series of post which highlights books available on a town or district. Kambalda was first known as Red Hill and is […]

Red Hill Cemetery (Kambalda) – Grave Tales

Kambalda Pioneer Cemetery Beresford Rd, Kambalda L 31.204984 – L 121.650983 A recent post on Facebook about the suicide of an early miner who is buried in the Red Hill (Kambalda) Pioneer Cemetery raised a few comments so I thought it would be of interest to research a bit further on the few who have […]

Sensational Suicide at Red Hill -Grave Tales

From the Kalgoorlie Miner 13th May 1905 MAN BLOWS HIS FACE AWAY Towards 5 o’clock yesterday afternoon a man named Henry Colley describing himself as a miner, residing at Red Hill (Former name of Kambalda), reported to the Kalgoorlie police that about 10 o’clock that morning a man named Edward Clayton (whose real name was […]