Ripping Yarns & Tragic Tales – 17 October 2021

What’s been happening this week??? I have just updated the Leonora Cemetery records with all new deaths which have occurred in the last 12 months. This is done every year so the records remain current. If you have a relative who was recently, (or not very recently) buried at the Leonora Cemetery, I would love you to have a look at the entry and make sure it is correct. If not, just email me the details – Leonora Corrections

This is the address of the first page for Leonora – Leonora Cemetery

This week I have been going through one of the many boxes of research material left to me by my good friend the late Shyama Peebles. I was particularly looking for information for Eric Hancock who is doing research on the ‘Hunt Wells’, and I did find a few new bits to send him. All the archives boxes are safely stored in our garage (the great wall of Moya my husband says), and I try only to bring up one box at a time to the house. I scan any photographs, delete any duplicates or printouts of things now online, such as Post Office Directories and Newspapers. Any items that will make interesting stories for the blog I keep in my ‘pending’ box which is getting very full. Other things get put in my filing cabinet as either ‘Subject’ or ‘Place’.

My Vision

It is my hope to finally digitise everything I have so it is available to all free of charge. I made such a promise to the co-founders of this website. It’s a huge job, but thanks to my wonderful volunteers ‘You know who you are’, we are eating our way through the elephant one bite at a time. I won’t live long enough to do it all myself, so I am very grateful for their help and enthusiasm. I have even contacted a fellow historian and Goldfields lady, who is also a relative of my husband, who has said she will carry on with my work using my sites and material should I get ‘hit by a bus’ or something. I do hope she didn’t think me ‘weird’ to ask but I would hate for all of this info to fall into the wrong hands.  My daughter will also continue to host the three sites for me so they will stay available always.

My Motto:  Our history Belongs to Everyone and should not be bought or sold.

If you happen to come across any stories in your own journey that you think will make a ‘Ripping Yarn or Tragic Tale’, most stories are either one or the other, do send it to me. If you have an interesting family story to share I would also love to hear from you. Stories need to be reasonably short or able to be spread out in installments and have at least one image. If there is not an image or photos I can usually find something. Just email me on – ‘Ripping Yarns or Tragic Tales’

As always, I love to hear from readers, and I hope that you have a great week.



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My name is Moya Sharp, I live in Kalgoorlie Western Australia and have worked most of my adult life in the history/museum industry. I have been passionate about history for as long as I can remember and in particular the history of my adopted home the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia. Through my website I am committed to providing as many records and photographs free to any one who is interested in the family and local history of the region.

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