Pioneer Cemetery Southern Cross -grave tales

Many country towns have more than one cemetery. The reason for this is usually that the original spot chosen became too close to the residential areas, or perhaps the ground proved too hard, or maybe it was too far away from town.

The site of the Southern Cross Pioneer cemetery will have been seen by most people if you drive back and forwards to Perth. At the entrance of the town on the right (coming from Kalgoorlie) you will see some sign boards and a display of the few headstones that have been preserved and gathered together to prevent further damage and so that people can see who was buried there. There are also four from Marvel Loch Cemetery which have been preserved.

The above plaque gives the number of burials in this first cemetery as 256 to the 31 Dec 1898. I have tried to find out as much information on each person as possible in the hope that the human side may be told.  I’m not much on statistics, but the composition of this early cemetery is a cross-section of the community at the time, death through accident or disease playing no favorites. Other early Goldfields towns will have cemeteries with similar records.

Number of burials = 256 with two of these being buried elsewhere.
Suicides = 5
Mining Deaths = 3
Typhoid = 98
Children under 4yrs = 79  – Stillbirth, Teething, Meningitis, Measels, Castro Enterprise + Typhoid
(Including two sets of twins.
Women = 16

1st Burial   = Lily Gertrude MURPHY on 18 Apr 1891
Last Burial = Allen Gordon McIntosh WADE on 2 Dec 1898

As you will see, Typhoid was by far the greater risk to all. Also there was a very hight mortality risk for young children. One family, who lost twins, a boy and girl, Edgar and Ethel TESTER at 6 months of age, both died within a few days of each other from Convulsions and diarrhoea in March of 1895. Prior to coming to Southern Cross the parents, William and May Tester, had already lost a little boy, William, at 5 months in 1894. They were to move on to Coolgardie after the death of the twins. Here they were to lose twin girls, Francis and Gertrude at 10 weeks of age in 1898. It’s hard to imagine how they must have coped with this crushing tragedy.

Further details such as cause of death, occupation and family details and headstones can be seen on the OFH web site

ACKLAND William 22 03/03/1895
ASKILL Edward 62 23/04/1895
ATKIN Myrtle Irene 3 mths WES 25/02/1898
ATKINSON Benjamin 1dy ANG 27/04/1897
BAILEY male SB 00/00/1896
BAKER Valentine George 20mths 23/10/1898
BARKER John 40 ANG 11/01/1896
BASSETT George 27 2/01/1895
BEDWELL Margaret 33 ANG 11/4/1896
BENNETT Jane 55 RC 28/02/1896
BERRY John Wallace 52 31/3/1895
BEYTHENE Carol (male) 19 15/2/1895
BLUMN Thomas 32 30/12/1896
BOCK Charles 21 8/6/1893
BONSER May SB 00/10/1893
BOOTH Alfred Edwin 46 13/02/1898
BOOTH Basil Armstrong 8mths 2/12/1894
BOPP Rudolph 20 RC 28/01/1896
BOUCHIER George 21 ANG 7/2/1896
BOUNDS William 26 2/5/1895
BOYCE John 34 14/11/1894
BREEN Cornelius 21 5/4/1896
BRITTAIN Hannah Carr 28 WES 15/5/1896
BROCK Ruth Georgina 21dys 1/12/1894
BRUNSKILL John 39 10/4/1896
BUTLER Robert 34 ANG 18/03/1896
BYRNE Michael Francis 5dys 19/10/1893
BYRNE Philip 3mths 6/12/1894
CAHIL Henry Edward 3mths 21/7/1895
CALEO Grace 24 15/7/1896
CALLAGHAN Cicily Agatha 9wks RC 23/10/1896
CALLAGHAN David Rupert 16yrs 25/12/1896
CAREY Clarissa Gertrude 16mths 19/11/1894
CARGEEG William Henry 25 28/5/1895
CARROLL Ruth Annie 23 22/1/1895
CARROLL Thomas 64 4/10/1895
CHADWICK John 67 ANG 16/5/1896
CHAMBERS Lucy Ivy 8mths RC 14/12/1896
CLARKE Marjory 13/5/1895
COBHOM Maud 13mths 10/1/1895
COCKING Unnamed male 00/00/1893
COLLINS Ruth 6 dys 31/5/1895
COMPTON Frederick Charles H 17 days 27/8/1894
COOPER Walter Benjamin Thomas 24 23/11/1894
CORMACK William 38 17/09/1894
COSTER Edwin Penister 33 20/1/1895
CREW Leslie Albert 6 mths ANG 16/03/1898
CROMBIE William Charles 60 19/05/1895
CUMMERFORD James 27 RC 22/1/1896
DAVEY Elsie Grace 3 mths WES 14/01/1898
DAVIDSON Thomas William 45 28/05/1895
DAVIES James 35 28/04/1895
DAVIS William 59 06/03/1895
DE VERBOSTER Penister 3 mths 09/07/1895
DELANEY James 30 16/10/1894
DONOGHUE William 19 22/12/1894
DOUGLAS Caroline 23 16/5/1891
DRISCOLL Michael 3wks RC 03/02/1896
DUDGEON John Robert 1day 23/4/1896
EGAN Edward 40 30/3/1894
ELLIS Robert John 55 21/04/1895
ELSBURY Thomas 63 10/6/1893
ENRIGHT Margaret 26 RC 11/9/1897
FAIRCLOUGH Edward 17 30/05/1895
FALKINHAGEN Henrich 45 31/3/1895
FORWARD Florence Adelaide 14mths 23/12/1895
FOX Hannah Sculthorpe 23mths 29/7/1895
FULLER John 30 WES 10/6/1896
FULTON Robert 19 25/2/1897
GALLIMENE Edward 34 1/11/1894
GALLIN Frank Sylvester 25 ANG 20/1/1896
GEE Henry 30 20/11/1895
GIBBS Charlotte 7mths WES 3/5/1896
GIDDINGS James Millett 28 18/3/1898
GILES James 40 13/4/1898
GILMORE William 20 WES 24/4/1896
GIROLLA Dominic 32 RC 1/3/1896
GLEESON Andrew 54 RC 17/3/1896
GOLDBERG Mark 27 9/5/1895
GOODRIDGE Bridget Jane 4mths RC 11/6/1897
GRAY David Ayliffe 30 9/2/1892
GREENHALGH Ella 22mths 27/1/1895
GRIGG Joseph Henry 6mths 26/10/1895
GUNNING John Lewis 6mths 00/10/1895
GUTTERIDGE Elsie 15mths Ang 11/4/1896
GWYNNE Albert Andrew 21 WES 7/3/1897
HALL William 35 12/6/1895
HAMILTON Robert 56 11/3/1895
HAMILTON Henry Arthur 22 ANG 3/3/1896
HANNAY Martyn 30 9/5/1895
HANSON Henry 31 28/1/1895
HARDIE James 24 18/4/1898
HARRISON William Dale 54 2/3/1898
HARRISON Charles E 18 16/3/1895
HARVEY Percy John 42 18/3/1895
HAYWOOD Francis Harry 33 24/2/1898
HEATHCOTE Martha E 40 11/3/1895
HERRINGTON Walter James 1 31/1/1895
HEWITT Leslie Verdon 2 ANG 20/11/1896
HILL Richard 15/2/1895
HOEPNER Theodore Auguste Wilhelm 46 23/6/1898
HOLLIDAY John 38 ANG 14/11/1897
HOLMAN John Hardie 34 13/4/1894
HORNABROOK George 31 30/11/1892
HUDSON Henry 34 12/3/1893
HUGHES Aubrey 21 20/1/1895
HUME Hossick 8mths WES 29/6/1896
HUNTER Ida Muriel 6weks 17/10/1898
HUTTON Arthur 27 22/12/1895
IRVINE Adelaide Owen 3 ANG 23/10/1897
IVES Darcy Henry 13mths 22/4/1893
JACOBY Daniel 62 20/8/1894
JAMES Martha Matilda 49 ANG 13/10/1897
JANE William Victor 2wks WES 16/11/1896
JENKINS Hiram 26 4/12/1894
JERGENSEN Jens 42 18/12/1895
JOHNS Louisa 40 21/4/1893
JOHNSON William 27 13/2/1895
JONES William Arvon 53 29/5/1892
JONES Thomas 22 WES 1/5/1896
JONES John 56 7/6/1894
JONES Ellis Owen 38 WES 15/3/1896
JONES Elizabeth Prynn 25days 16/5/1894
KEANE John 22 20/12/1894
KELLY Peter 32 4/10/1893
KERR Robert 27 WES 6/6/1896
KERR Annie Winnifred 19 27/3/1895
KING Jenny 25 ANG 23/6/1896
LARKIN Thomas Jnr 27 25/8/1891
LAVERSCHA William 21 21/5/1895
LIDDLE Walter 19 24/6/1898
LITTLE Alfred A M 23 26/1/1895
LONG William James 1mth WES 28/7/1897
LOWRIE Joseph 50 23/5/1894
LUKIN William Edward Vivian 15mths 27/4/1893
MARTIN Arthur 26 22/12/1895
MCCALL Malcolm 30 WES 15/1/1896
MCCOLL Peter 28 WES 22/2/1895
MCCORMACK John 52 9/8/1894
MCCULLAGH Thomas 18 RC 18/11/1896
MCINNES Olive Alice 4 3/4/1898
MCLEOD William Ernest 15mths 14/12/1895
MCLEOD William 22 9/6/1895
MCLEOD Donald Henry 18mths 25/3/1895
MCRAE Reginald 6wks 30/10/1895
MCRAE Elsie May 6wks 30/10/1895
MCVAY George 58 WES 4/1/1896
MELVILLE Norman McLeod 9mths 8/7/1895
MERTON Frederick James 18 11/3/1895
MILLER Unnamed SB 00/00/1896
MILLS James 30 6/4/1895
MINN Jonathon 38 ANG 23/2/1896
MITCHELL Thelma Naomi 5mths 23/3/1898
MOON Samuel George 30 29/2/1896
MOON Charles 30 ANG 29/2/1896
MOORE William E 16 7/3/1895
MORAN Michael 26 RC 10/5/1896
MORRISEY Michael 34 16/3/1895
MOULLIN Ena Adele 4mths 27/1/1895
MURPHY Patrick 52 RC 14/5/1895
MURPHY Michael 8 RC 30/8/1897
MURPHY Lily Gertrude 1 18/4/1891
MURPHY Bridget 35 RC 30/8/1897
MURRAY William 25 RC 5/3/1896
NAPIER Henry Goring 42 18/8/1894
NEELAND William Hartley 34 26/1/1895
NELSON Olaf 25 22/5/1891
NORRISH Thomas George 21 1/12/1894
NORRISH William 27 02/04/1895
ODEA Mary Anne 24 04/06/1891
ODOHERTY Eileen May 8 wks 11/08/1895
OGRADY Edward 29 25/12/1894
OLIVER Samuel 52 ANG 17/01/1896
ONEIL Daniel 34 15/5/1893
ORTLOFF Eswin Penister 16 ANG 28/02/1897
PASCOE Thomas 63 16/03/1895
PATTISON William 43 13/02/1895
PAYNE Alice Victoria 1 07/06/1898
PETTIT Robert Stanley 3 mths WES 18/06/1897
PHOEBE Unnamed female SB WES 07/04/1897
PLATTEN William 35 29/6/1895
POOLE James Thomas 22 07/01/1895
POPE Cecil Roy 21 mths ANG 09/08/1898
POPE Eva 29 ANG 23/09/1898
POPE Richard Yilgarn 1mth 23/03/1895
PORTER Frederick 23 25/11/1895
PRAETZ Alice Dora 4mths ANG 15/10/1896
PRICE John 11 mths WES 01/01/1896
PRICE Thomas 22 02/06/1893
PRIOR Frederick  Gathercole 73 03/05/1897
PURDEY Ernest Maxwell 10 wks 29/04/1895
REYNOLDS Edward 31 05/02/1895
ROBERTS Martha 45 14/02/1896
ROBERTS Olive 16 mths WES 10/05/1898
ROBERTS William Renton Kerr 4 mths 29/07/1892
ROBIN Albert Barrett 45 00/00/1894
ROGERS Ernest Henry 11 mths ANG 16/02/1896
ROGERS Joseph 17 05/08/1895
ROONEY John 45 RC 07/04/1898
ROSE Lewis Thompson 21 23/12/1895
ROWDEN William Edward Thomas 18 mths RC 16/11/1898
ROWLANDS Elsie 6 dys WES 22/01/1898
RUHE William 29 11/03/1895
RYDER Edward 30 20/9/1893
SABLEBERG Unnamed male child 9/9/1895
SALTER Edwin 60 29/10/1893
SALTER Frederick 52 16/12/1891
SANDYS Elizabeth 25 00/00/1895
SANDYS John George 33 31/03/1895
SARGOOD Richard 36 26/09/1894
SCULLY Thomas 26 22/3/1895
SEACOMB William 60 24/09/1893
SEARLE Ann 50 12/06/1895
SEMMENS Albert 23 RC 05/03/1896
SHIELDS Francis Henry 53 01/01/1893
SMALL Robert 60 19/1/1895
SMITH Thomas 25 RC 11/01/1896
SMITH William Allen 26 WES 27/11/1896
SMITH William Henry 1 Day WES 23/05/1896
SPENCE James George 54 RC 18/03/1897
STACEY Mabel Irene 7 mths WES 17/03/1898
STEEL Norman Jack 19 wks ANG 02/01/1897
STEPHENS Alfred 43 ANG 09/01/1896
STIRLING William 19 mths WES 06/05/1896
SULLIVAN Ernest Joseph 10 mths 06/07/1895
SULLIVAN Thomas 37 RC 15/04/1896
SWANSON Catherine Lelia 3 mths 14/01/1895
TESTER Edgar Victor 6mths 24/03/1895
TESTER Ethel May 6 mths 31/03/1895
THOMAS Charles 60 24/03/1893
THOMAS Maurice 35 28/05/1892
THOMAS Thomas 45 06/10/1893
THOMPSON Elizabeth Jane 1 14/11/1891
TORLONE Silvio 25 11/11/1895
TRUESDALE John 25 21/09/1895
WADE Allen Gordon McIntosh 7mths 2/12/1898
WADE Albert Edmond 28 ANG 21/07/1898
WALKER Matthew 45 10/3/1895
WALLACE Charles 26 26/09/1891
WALLACE Joseph 19 ANG 05/02/1897
WARD Elizabeth 54 6/3/1895
WARD Charles 65 29/03/1895
WARREN Charles William 4 RC 20/04/1896
WATERS John 63 29/04/1895
WATERS Thomas 54 18/03/1895
WESTWATER Petter Cameron 60 WES 05/12/1896
WHITCOMBE Mark 53 03/10/1895
WILLIAMS unnamed female child SB 30/03/1895
WILLIAMS John 26 21/11/1891
WILLIAMS Leslie Wooranga 1 mth WES 11/10/1897
WILLIAMSON Anna 4 Dys ANG 07/01/1893
WILLIAMSON Catherine 17 Dys ANG 18/07/1897
WILLIAMSON William 9 Hrs 17/09/1893
WILLMAN August 55 08/01/1893
WILSON James Haywood 4 hrs WES 24/02/1898
WILSON Jessie Kathleen Haywood 16mths WES 26/04/1898
WOODS Frances J 54 15/8/1894
Margaret Enright died 10 Sep 1897

Margaret Enright died 10 Sep 1897

The second and current cemetery is at the end of Beaton Road, Southern Cross.

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My name is Moya Sharp, I live in Kalgoorlie Western Australia and have worked most of my adult life in the history/museum industry. I have been passionate about history for as long as I can remember and in particular the history of my adopted home the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia. Through my website I am committed to providing as many records and photographs free to any one who is interested in the family and local history of the region.

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  1. dorothi clarke says

    The Anne Searle buried in the Southern Cross cemetery aged 50 year old died 12/06 was my great grandmother

  2. Bernie Morris says

    Further to the original Southern Cross cemetery post, I remember the cemetery being behind the memorial that’s there beside the highway these days.
    Why the memorial was created in place of the actual graveyard isn’t clear to me – why not leave it as it was?
    As you mentioned, sometimes the original cemeteries needed to be relocated further out when the town encroached on them, but that wasn’t the case at Southern Cross.
    The old cemetery was adjacent to the railway line and once the available space was full it seems extra space was opened on the other side of the railway, making it a cemetery with a railway through the middle.
    As I only ever worked trains through there in the dark my info is largely from tales told by the older men I worked with and not so much from observation.

  3. Greg Pascoe says

    Thomas Pascoe, who died Southern Cross on 16 March 1895 from Typhoid Fever, is my great grandfather.

    He was born Thomas Pascoe Trebilcock in Perranzabuloe, Cornwall, England in 1828, went to the Victorian Goldfields 1855 then to New Zealand late 1860’s. He married Annie Watkins in Hokitika 1871, mined at Ross till 1880 then Kumara until migration to the Coolgardie Goldfields. They had seven children, all born in NZ. Their eldest and youngest passed in NZ.

    Thomas travelled from the Westland NZ Goldfields with Annie and their five children in Nov/Dec 1894 on the ships Tasmania and Waroonga, passenger lists recording their name as Pascall.

    While I am uncertain as to the family’s exact location after their arrival in Western Australia and the very early 1900’s, they did assume the Pascoe name and took on a range of work including running a water condenser, mining (Southern Cross, Kalgoorlie, Edjudina, eventually Mount Magnet), Boardinghouse Management on Golden Gate Mining Leases, and leasing the Goldfields Wine Saloon in Hannan’s Street etc.

    I would welcome it should anyone be able to provide me with any additional information.

    Greg Pascoe

    And Moira thanks for the site, it’s brilliant.

    • Hi Greg I I may I would love to add this family story to the cemetery records. How wonderful that you have managed to find out so much even with the changes of name. Do you have any photos of the family?

      • Greg Pascoe says

        Thanks Moya. You may certainly add the family story to the cemetery records. Also, Annie’s probate in 1922 showed they also owned a two room iron cottage at Lot 204 Cnr Spica & Hydra Streets, Southern Cross, vacant, unsaleable.

        I do have a family photo minus the eldest 1889/1890 and photos for Thomas 1870s and Annie 1868. You are welcome to any or all.

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