Men Of Western Australia – book review

You may not have come across the following book as it is quite rare. Published  in 1937 by V.H. Colless it features men of Western Australia in the public, professional, ecclesiastical, commercial and sporting life. It is from 1936-1937.

Men of WA

Men of WA

One person is featured on each page and includes a short biography and a photo of the head of the person imposed on a drawing of their body (see below example) and representation of their life in drawings.

There are only three copies on the WA State Library and all are not for loan. A few copies are in private hands and museums and I was fortunate to be loaned a copy by a good friend and was allowed to scan the pages. There are a total of 470 pages which include many Goldfields personalities.  If you had a relative who would be a ‘public figure’ it is well worth searching the list.  The book is in categories and not alphabetical but I have compiled the list in alphabetical order.  The full list is on the Outback Family History Web site @


PINKUS Victor Ernest

Here is an example of some pages. Normally there is a fee of $5 for a scan of a page but until 2017 there will be no charge.

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My name is Moya Sharp, I live in Kalgoorlie Western Australia and have worked most of my adult life in the history/museum industry. I have been passionate about history for as long as I can remember and in particular the history of my adopted home the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia. Through my website I am committed to providing as many records and photographs free to any one who is interested in the family and local history of the region.

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  1. I bought this book to Kalgoorlie during my four days in October to show you as we as a Family have it there is a write up of my Grandfather WILLIAM THOMAS ANDERSON baker. but we couldn’t find where you were at. no one could tell us maybe your husband is in real estate ? even though we went to The Goldfields Tourist which is a great place and then upstairs to military records for the people we were travelling with and they were thrilled to get contacts for them to trace. very influential men of the time were written about. only copies to those that were in the book hence our Family has Granddads.

    • Hi Shirley What a pity they could tell you my contact details, most of the girls at the Tourist Centre known me but they may have had some temporary staff for the holiday season. Do tell you friend to get in touch with me if they need any held searching locally. Have you been onto the Outback Family History Web Site? Its

  2. Shane Hayward says

    Would love any information on Arthur Henry sweetapple, page 76 he is my great grandfather and Father to Murray Sweetapple (98 years living in rsl in Nowra New South Wales ) thanks, Shane Hayward

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