Lily Pike – grave tales

On the 27th April 1906, Helena (Lily) Maud Pike (nee Rosevere) aged 30yrs, passed away at the St John of God Hospital in Dugan Street, Kalgoorlie from Typhoid. She was the wife of councillor Eustace Walter Pike and the mother of one child, James Albert, aged 6yrs. The following photograph is a very poignant one and shows father and son standing by the graveside in the Kalgoorlie Cemetery.

James (Age 6) and Eustace PIKE

The family home at 116 MacDonald St Kalgoorlie in 1900

Lily was to die only a few short years after the above photograph was taken outside the family home at 116 MacDonald Street (now the site of Lotteries House) Kalgoorlie, showing Lilly, Eustace and baby James.

Lilly in her garden with her cat 1900

Grave of Helena Pike – Kalgoorlie Cemetery c1910

The above impressive memorial was placed on the grave some years later. Today the grave is very little changed and has stood the test of time. Eustace, aged 84yrs, was buried with his beloved wife some 49yrs later having never re married. His son James is also buried in the Kalgoorlie Cemetery, he died on the 26th Nov 1986 and is buried in a different grave. Also buried with Helena and Eustace is Georgina PIKE who died in 1939 aged 93yrs, Eustace’s widowed mother.


Grave of Helena M Pike Kalgoorlie Cemetery - photo by Danelle Warnock

Grave of Helena M Pike Kalgoorlie Cemetery – photo by Danelle Warnock

I cannot forget her
I loved her too dearly
For her memory to fade
From my life like a dream
My lips need not speak
When the heart mourns sincerely
For my thoughts often rest
where they seldom are seen.

Memorial Plaque - Georgina Pike Kalgoorlie Cemetery  - photo by Danelle Warnock

Memorial Plaque – Georgina Pike Kalgoorlie Cemetery – photo by Danelle Warnock

Memorial Plaque - Eustace Pike Kalgoorlie Cemetery  - photo by Danelle Warnock

Memorial Plaque – Eustace Pike Kalgoorlie Cemetery – photo by Danelle Warnock







Memorial  - Helena Pike Kalgoorlie Cemetery  - photo by Danelle Warnock

Memorial – Helena Pike Kalgoorlie Cemetery – photo by Danelle Warnock

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My name is Moya Sharp, I live in Kalgoorlie Western Australia and have worked most of my adult life in the history/museum industry. I have been passionate about history for as long as I can remember and in particular the history of my adopted home the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia. Through my website I am committed to providing as many records and photographs free to any one who is interested in the family and local history of the region.

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  1. Ray Jackson says

    I knew Jim Pike. He was a great old bloke. He used to move buildings in Kalg when I was an apprentice carpenter with Peter McGinty. He had a huge system of ” Jinkers” ( a type of Tiimber trailer) that he towed with an old ex army blitz wagon. It would be great if someone has a photo of it. He moved the houses from Lakewood into Kalg when I was about 10 or so.

  2. Kirsten says

    I bought a photo in a Bunbury op shop today and this is where it has taken me. The hand writing on it says “Shifting from Kanowna – Pikes Jinker” happy to send a pic.

  3. Glenys Nottle says

    Sad reading this, have read her story several times and it still seems to hit heavily.

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