Towns and places

The Eastern Goldfields is made up of hundred towns both big and small. Outback Family History would like to bring you a collection of stories about some of these abandoned towns which you may never have heard of. Some may only have been there for a few years and now very little remains of the small thriving communities.

John “Jack” Ivison – Fighting son of the Empire

In Memory of an Anzac Soldier Private John “Jack” Ivison 1888 – 1915 By Julia Robinson-White, 26 April 2021 Published on: Anzac Day – 25 April 2021 Amongst a box of family photographs given to me for safekeeping by my Dad’s cousin, I came across a postcard of a Digger from WWI. The photo […]

Robert Arthur Yeo – grave tales

Coolgardie Miner 9 May 1899, page 6 THE STABLE TRAGEDY INQUEST RESUMED VERDICT OF ACCIDENTAL DEATH. The inquest into the circumstances connected with the death of Robert A. Yeo, who was kicked to death in Castieau’s stables on Sunday morning, was resumed yesterday, before Mr H. S. King, J.P. (acting coroner), and a jury consisting […]

The Cemetery at Mt Margaret –

Mt MARGARET CEMETERY Established in 1897 when the townsite of Mt Margaret was gazetted. 11 Burials between 1896-1901 except for one in 1930 and one in 1942. Latitude: -28.806418 Longitude: 122.168054 GPS: 28 48.38505, 122 10.08316 The name of Mount Margaret could mean several things. It could be: The Mt Margaret Goldfields The Mt Margaret […]

Meat For the Fields – the Rowell Boys

Western Mail 12 February 1953, page 23 WESTRALIANA Meat for the Fields by E. ROWELL A Butcher who was a heavyweight athlete and successful prospector, too, will be remembered by some who were on the Eastern Goldfields in 1894. My elder brother Bill went to Coolgardie some months after Bayley and Ford found the rich […]

Fields Find Cemetery on the Old Yalgoo Road

Fields Find Cemetery – Coordinates: -29.03668, 117.25572 On mining reserve No 14350 12 known burials In a thicket of acacias on the low side of the present Yalgoo Road, hidden from passing motorists, lies the Fields Find Cemetery. It is a good 1 ½ km by car from the old mine, but half of that as the […]