Florence Menon’s life of crime!

Sly Grog Shanties, which were unlicensed hotels, often selling poor quality alcohol, sprang up where ever people settled and the police were hard-pressed to keep a check on the offenders. The record from the Mt Morgans Courier details just such a case that would have annoyed the local constabulary.  I wondered if this term of […]

Sly Grog Shanty – Florence Menon

Sly Grog Shanties sprang up where ever people settled and the police were hard pressed to keep a check on the offenders. The record from the Morgans Courier details just such a case that would annoy the local constabulary.  I wondered if this term of incarceration for Florence Menon would have made her tread the […]

The Publican and The Pig – Coolgardie 1905

  ‘The Sun’ newspaper April 1905 Coolgardie Paddy Murphy ran a ‘Shypoo’ (sly grog) ranch unbeknownst to the authorities. His establishment was always identified by Paddy’s favorite pet pig. Paddy could not read or write nor could his wife Bridget. Their system of accounting didn’t apply the rules of double entry it answered all practical […]