My Dear Annie – Missingham Letters 6

The following letter is by far the longest written by David to Annie. I think it sounds like he is missing her and the children a great deal.  I think that maybe Annie is getting a little tired of having the plans for her to join him taking rather too long. In this letter he […]

My Dear Annie – Missingham Letters 4

The following letter is the last sent before David Missingham reached the Goldfields of Western Australia.  You will see he often refers to money matter and it seems that he had left some debts behind him in Charters Towers Qld. As with all letters I would love to be able to read the replies but […]

My Dear Annie – Missingham Letters 3

17 November 1896,  Port Adelaide   Tuesday 7 a.m. My Dearest Wifie We have just arrived here per Gabo and leave again this afternoon at 4 p.m. so we have been little time for this part the city of Adelaide or churches as it is often called by irreverent persons. It is situated 7 miles from […]

My Dear Annie – Missingham Letter 2

Friday 13 November 1896 My Dearest wife Since my last letter on Sunday I ran down to Kiama  (NSW) by 8.30 train and arrived at Albion Park at 12 noon saw Jamie & his wife and youngsters, the mater (Mother) was in Sydney in the suburbs but I could not find her. I took a run round […]