Archives for June 2015

Boulder City Scottish Piper’s Band 1914

Music played a big part in the social life of everyone in the early Goldfields days. Most people could sing or play instruments or like these people be part of a band.  Musical evenings in private homes were very popular as well as more elaborate musical events held in places like the town halls. This […]

Central Garage Service Station -Time Lapse

Formerly the Golden Mile Tea and Grill Rooms, Maritana Street, Kalgoorlie 1935. Now the Maritana Mall

Lulu Benstead – ‘The Westralian Warbler’

Lulu Benstead was born in Alice Springs, the daughter of goldfields pioneer Bill (William) Benstead (Williams story about  his fascinating life will be told in another edition) and Triphenia Benstead. She studied with Mrs Jack Wilson in Coolgardie and performed regularly in the goldfields. Indeed, the Western Mail newspaper described Coolgardie as the ‘…musical centre of the goldfields’. She […]

My Dear Annie – Missingham Letters 4

The following letter is the last sent before David Missingham reached the Goldfields of Western Australia.  You will see he often refers to money matter and it seems that he had left some debts behind him in Charters Towers Qld. As with all letters I would love to be able to read the replies but […]

Moorine Station – mystery photos

Many years ago the following photographs were sent to a friend of mine who has now passed away. The photographs were among the many she left me. This group of photographs featured here are only identified as “Moorine Station’. There was an email address with the photos but unfortunately it is not current.  I am […]